Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Syllabus - Item Pool and Course Requirements

New Media Convergence - Presentation 
This group activity focuses on the third and fourth screens' impact on traditional and new media. Traditional media includes publications (book and magazines), newspapers, recorded music, radio, film and home video, and television. New media includes the Internet and video games. Your group will research and evaluate how your particular medium (print, radio, TV, film) has adapted to the transparency and personification of their chosen new media application. Research how much and often your medium is accessed via new media applications, recommend devices for the best exploitation of your media and offer a critical analysis on what might be done differently within the device's operating system to make the application more transparent. 

Best Device - Published Blog
Now that you're quickly becoming a new media guru, friends, family and people you don't even know will be asking for advice on what's the best new gadget (smart phone or tablet) for them. To prepare for this end you will identify a set of consumer values based on the needs of your client (corporate, finance, medical, communication), review the range of devices available specific to those needs and make a recommendation. 

Abstinence - Response Blog or Facebook Entry
Can you do it? Go 48 continuous hours device free. During your techno-fast write with an old-fashioned utensil such as a pen, pencil or charcoal how you managed two entire days without your smart phone, your iPad, your iPod, your MP3 player, your laptop, PC or Mac. Traditional media are permissible as long as you adhere to the spirit of this experiment. For example, if you want to listen to Maroon 5, you'll need to have the CD. Extra credit if you have the LP. After you've endured the 48-hour device-free break, transfer your written observations to your blog or your Facebook wall for your peers to read. Provide an analysis of how often you thought of or actually turned to use your new media device, symptoms of withdrawal, and if you fell off the wagon, justify what was a stake enough for you to compromise twenty percent of your grade.

AppReview - Daily Primer
Each class session will open with an AppReview, an evaluation and recommendation of your favorite applications for both smart phones and tablets. 

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