Thursday, January 6, 2011

Syllabus - Course Description, Goal and Outcomes

This advanced course is designed for majors in the New Media track to survey new developments and applications in converged media. Curriculum is constructive, guiding students to seek out, use, and evaluate developing technologies focused on communicating, entertaining and informing. Students will use established rubrics from COMM 2500 to evaluate new applications and their impacts on existing paradigms such as publishing and broadcasting.

New media applications and technologies change the communication landscape on a daily basis and impact how audiences receive, share and archive information. The goal of this course is staying current with that landscape, or at least developing the ability to do so, an imperative competency for graduates in the New Media track.

Students can reach this goal through regular attendance and participation and by these outcomes:

1.      Assess implications and trends of new media applications;
2.      Navigate the new technologies marketplace and identify heavy hitters and developing influences;
3.      Analyze market and user impacts from new media applications.

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