Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Media Convergence - Rubric


  • Assess implications and trends of new media applications;
  • Navigate the new technologies marketplace and identify heavy hitters and developing influences;
  • Analyze market and user impacts from new media applications.

Point Value: 400

Activity Description
This activity focuses on the third and fourth screens' impact on traditional and new media. Traditional media includes publications (book and magazines), newspapers, recorded music, radio, film and home video, and television. New media includes the Internet and video games. 

Select a traditional medium, research and evaluate how that particular medium has adapted to the usability (transparency) and adaptability (personification) of your chosen new media application. 

Using Survey Monkey research how much and often your medium is accessed via new media applications. This can be done by linking the survey to Facebook pages or blogs where device users can take the survey and provide data for your study. Substantiate your quantifiable findings with industry research relating to your application. 

With your research in hand, recommend devices for the best exploitation of your media and offer a critical analysis on what might be done differently within the device's operating system to make the application more transparent. 

Present your findings on the assigned date to the class. 


1. You selected a traditional medium for evaluation and research. 25 Points

Below Expectation (0-13) Satisfactory (14-20) Exemplary (20-25)

2. You defined how your medium is adapted to the usability and the adaptability of via new media devices.
100 Points

Below Expectation (0-33) Satisfactory (32-74) Exemplary (75-100)

3.  You researched how much and often your medium is accessed via new media applications using social media to access a research pool and substantiated your quantifiable findings with industry research relating to your application. 200 Points

Below Expectation (0-85) Satisfactory (86-150) Exemplary (151-200)

4.  You recommended devices for the best exploitation of your media and offered a critical analysis on what might be done differently within the device's operating system to make the application more transparent. 
50 Points

Below Expectation (0-22) Satisfactory (23-39) Exemplary (40-50)

5. You presented your findings in an integrated presentation for the rest of the class and submitted your research for publication on this site. 25 Points

Below Expectation (0-13) Satisfactory (14-20) Exemplary (20-25)

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