Friday, January 28, 2011

Old New Media Trends

Augmented Reality (AR)

Nothing new here. AR has been around in production technology in films including Roger Rabbit since 1988. Anytime you've seen the line of scrimmage appear in a televised football game or advertisements on the tarmac of your favorite NASCAR oval, you've AR at work.

The mobilization of this technology has opened up integrated application, linking users directly to their surroundings using the third screen instead of the first.

Near Field Communication (NFC)
Smart phones equipped with NFC can communicate with other devices in short proximity. What is communicated is limited only by the imagination. Current applications include ticketing, e-funding, electronic keys, identity, along with thousands of retail and service applications.

Any ticketed travel from public transportation to air travel can be managed through NFC in exchanging reservation, payment, secure identity, itinerary, and baggage handling, all with your mobile device. The same can access home security and your car. Set all your home settings and monitor activity via NFC and check the engine oil, air pressure, and set interior temps in your car, all accessed by your phone.

Pocketed Tech
The biggest trend, and as much as we're enamored with tablets (sniff), is where all these applications end up, in our pockets. Portability and usability are inextricably linked and until they're combined in packaging that fits on your ring finger, behind your ear or embedded in your shoulder, users and developers alike will be focused on the pocket.

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