Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Going Hybrid

I've collapsed the convergence presentations and app reviews to get through them all by the end of March. Changes involving you who have yet to present are bolded. Take a look and make note of your new deadline.

Beginning April 1st, no joke, we'll go hybrid, not like the pioneer above, but rather the rest of the class will be online on the blog. Each date has a topic and almost all topics are linked. Review the link and respond on a post I'll make available with a question or two for that day's discussion.

The deadline for the Abstinence post remains April 22nd, though you can certainly post it any time before.  The final will be on Gladstone's The Influencing Machine. The test will be posted on this site, a mix of multiple choice and short answer.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please, please dont go online.

    I will form a hunger strike, just after I finish this last box of donuts, oh and maybe some burgers.

    I might eat during the hunger strike so I may continue the hunger strike until April 1st.

    I mean sure, the lazy side of me loves online classes, but Ive seen all sorts of weird time-constraints pop-up on canvas before where you're to submit something on a pre-determined day but the assignment is locked until the day its due.

    But yes, a vote on internet only would be outstanding as the internet only classes usually revolve around "the internet". This internet fad is nowhere as awesome as actual class discussion. Have you seen those comm-1500 online courses? Those group discussions are ever-so-very forced, "yeah I agree with Jim, phones are a good technology in the modern world" or "Wow I didnt realize that youtube hosts videos". If we do go online we need more in-depth discussion to promote ideas and the good ol' back and forth. With the online discussions you see a drastic drop in real-communication and an increase in week long 3 sentence discussions.

    In a physical class you can get instant clarification or detail of anything, online classes Ive waited days and days (sometimes past assignment due dates) to get the vital information for the assignment in question.

    I guess what Im saying is dont use canvas or I'll starve to death.

    Hunger strike starts now! Or next week...

  3. Eric I don't see a new date for sam and I on video games?
