Monday, May 2, 2011

So What?

Share your discovered meaning of new media applications, choosing your words carefully and concisely as possible.

Great thanks to all of you for this semester of time spent together and for the richness of your intellect and insight you've brought to our discoveries here.



  1. As far as the many apps that we have learned this semester, I have discovered that through the many mediums people use to get information about many different things, people are able to access the same information but through new media applications, such as the iPad, iPhone or Android phones. I also learned that through these new mediums, people are able to access so many different things, some that I find very controversial and some that would be helpful to certain people. Some aid in different daily focuses, but many of the ones I have seen from my fellow peers and online express meaning for things other than a certain criterion. I think that it is very innovative and consumer savvy to have these types of new media available to people because consumers are always looking for technology that will aid in their endeavors, and I think that with the applications available to consumers in this day and age, consumers are very satisfied and feel that Apple and other knock-offs express the meaning of consumerism.

  2. My niece applauded my mother-in-law for being courageous by raising her children without a T.V. or computer in the home. Life has changed since my wife has grown: Electronic media is necessary to function fully in our society, without it the medical field would be insufficient, the banking world would be incapable of taking care of finances and sports would be played for the fun of it (heaven forbid).A device with invisible hands can reach into an invisible dimension and pull out whatever the user wants, (that’s how I learned the basics of fly-fishing). New media is used for education, exploration, mathematical & scientific processes & projections, governments, businesses, religions, universities and homes (houses) use electronic media and applications in order to function. New media enhances life, those without it would not simple revert back to the calm slower days of yesteryear, without it life would be poverty and ignorance, the divide between the haves and have not’s of new media would be huge. Progress for the have not’s would be imperceptible slow.

  3. I believe that new media will be the facet for inciting positive change on a global scale. It is the manifestation of innovations, and ultimately the next step in the evolution of the human race. We have learned throughout the semester how old media has converged and adapted as technology furthers exponentially.
    I was able to learn about media convergence through the thorough research of each group as they successfully demonstrated where media such as books/magazines, music, film, internet, television, radio, and video games are and where they will be in the future.
    Being exposed to a new application every class meeting helped me understand the depth and breadth of the app markets, and fully recognize that there IS an app for everything.
    In short, the semester of this class was an absolute privilege. I am sad that it is over. This class was an immeasurably positive experience, and I am a better person for my exposure to the amazing minds and personalities of my colleagues under the wise facilitation of a caring professor. Thanks everyone!

  4. New Media is ubiquitous and pervasive in our lives. We can choose to change, learn, adapt, embrace and participate or we can ignore it and wallow in a wasteland of ignorance (perhaps blissful?). The world as we know it functions on new media and to be fully engaged members of society we need to use it to the fullest capacity. Wisdom of the ages is at our fingertips. If we choose to ignore the amazing tools available to us we are relegating ourselves to the nosebleed section of the bleachers of life – we might see something of the game but we will miss the full experience. The convergence of everything with new media is amazing. There is every application imaginable; and with them the ability to enrich our lives, our experiences, and our connections with other people. If we use face book, twitter, and blogs, we can be more connected with friends and family than we ever imagined possible. The challenge is to choose; to be mindful and disciplined about what we seek. We can find knowledge, explore, imagine, and connect with others. Or, we can waste countless hours staring at the screen surfing through mindless drivel. The exploration of new media in this class was an amazing adventure. Thanks to all of you for the depth you added to the class and the adventure we shared together with our instructor.

  5. My father knew the value and necessity of new media early in my life. I don't remember not having a computer in my home growing up, because my dad wanted to make sure that his children had the advantages technology brings. I think that was of great benefit to me in my life and I feel like the principles I have learned in this class are just as valuable. Learning about convergence with different media could result in being invaluable in my chosen field of communication. I learned the value of transparency much more than I did in prior classes. I really enjoyed learning about the vast variety of applications that are at my disposal, but probably the best thing I took from the class came in our everyday discussions. The Ted talks provided great insight into how new media can help change the world for good. I think it was significant to me that the revolution in Egypt happened while I was taking this class because without new media that never would have happened. Overall it was a really enlightening class in the world of technology and always remember, "There's an app for that."

  6. Maybe not "so what", instead we should say "so where?" As in, where do we go from here? As it stands now, the new media flood gate has just been cracked open. New ideas and innovations are flowing out day by day. As one new media is launched ten more are in the works to make the original one even better. Where this will take us we do not know. One thing is for certain and that is new media is going to continue to flood the market for a long time. We as a society are hooked on its addictive qualities of what we think is freedom, convenience and pleasure. Until we get so inundated with the new ideas or tired of changing from one application to another for a minor upgrade, we will open our wallets and our calendars to spend just enough to get our fix of the must have new media. In the long run it will be interesting to look back and ask ourselves if we are happy to say we were part of the new media revolution or will we hang our heads in shame. Only time will tell. For now though....its time to dream and enjoy the ride.

  7. To me New Media is what makes this world turn. We depend on these devices in what we do everyday. Some times i wonder if there will ever be an end. How many pixel will have to be in a TV to fit the consumers needs or what will the graphics have to look like in a video game for it to be accepted. I always wonder will there be an end to this. It doesnt seem like it. But its something i think of because i love technology and i enjoy looking forward to the "next best" thing. People spend hours and hours on these media devices a day. There are pros and cons to this but no one ever speaks about the negative aspect because its "irrelevant". We want what we want when we want it. Thats what these devices bring to us, convenience. If some one alters a path in the media we use everyday we panic. Like when computers crash in stores and the employees have to do everything manually. Its like a foreign language to them. Now days nothing seems impossible with the technology that our country has. I enjoyed every day of class. It was very interesting and it put a lot into perspective for me. I love the discussions and peoples opinions they had to share. I learned a lot from everyone in the class. Even though i sat in the back and barely spoke i listened to everyone speak. Very intelligent group of people.

  8. On a day that will be remembered for more than just what a social media-user was able to do because of technology, a single man with a Twitter account in Abbottabad, Pakistan unknowingly Tweeted about the operation that would ultimately end in the death of Osama bin Laden (, 2011). Another recent tech-accomplishment that was once thought to be unachievable by modern technology was reached by an IBM supercomputer that counted to the sixty-trillionth binary digit of Pi-squared—at one quadrillion calculations per second. One of the researchers involved with the project said: "Once again we see the utter futility in placing limits on human ingenuity and technology (, 2011)." To me, this quote doesn't give Irony a choice…someday this researcher will eat his words when he is plugged into a power plant and his body is producing "more bioelectricity than a 120 V battery and over 25,000 BTU's of heat" for a massive A.I. machine city. Technology is the vehicle; apps and the utilization thereof are the engine and options available; and social media connects all the information superhighways together. All combined, they have put us, the consumers, back in the driver's seat to the future—to what end? Will it be a dark, gloomy, Matrix-Terminator-future or a bright-lit, entertainment-filled, apathetic-Postman future where humans kill themselves slowly and painlessly? Who knows…but, so what? That's what it could be.

  9. Comm. 4330 FINAL, SO WHAT?

    Sometimes when I think about new media and all of its application it can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many different avenues to explore, expound, and expand, but that’s just the beauty of the whole thing, it isn’t limited to one view, one interest, or one skill. New media and its application, in all its glory, caters to everyone no matter age, race, culture, education level, and so on. The thought that I have pondered and stewed over for most of the time during this class, and throughout the semester is that you have to make new media personal to you. Just like in life, you shouldn’t try to be someone you’re not. There is some part of social media that is tailored to you. If you’re a gamer, there is stuff for you. If you love to blog, there is stuff for you. If love fantasy sports, there is stuff for you. If you are all about education and learning, there is stuff for you. Or if you are a combination of many things, there is stuff for you. Find what it is about new media that speaks to you and run with it. Make it your own, use it to your advantage, and help others along the way.


  10. I think my clearest revelation on the 'So What?' matter happened during/following my 48 hours of abstinence this last weekend. Read the full story here:

    Immediately after the news broke about Osama's death, ironically for me the only source to information I had was my iPhone. I was really craving more detailed information NOW! But all I could get was essentially the same AP paragraph story from every news source available. No video was available on the matter immediately following the announcement. It didn't matter to me which cable news network, just show me something more than what I have in my hand.

    Long story short, it made me realize that new media is no doubt devouring huge market shares while other forms of media shrink, but I think they are just balancing each other out.

    I see new media evolving more into a supplemental piece to the entire puzzle of information and entertainment in life. No bigger than using the internet on a desktop computer, but no smaller than watching Tv.

    I don't think any current form will become completely obsolete. Some market shares will shift, larger or smaller, but I think they will become complimentary of each other, and not really be competition to each other.

    -Eric Sly

  11. this class had sparked up more conversations between me and my friends about this new technological age we are experiencing....i some times think technology is like a couple who refuses to have children until they are financially secure, when in reality your never really ahead of financial security or "technology" rather you just got to roll with the so what is...."whats next"

  12. New media, or better-said digital media, is something that is going to shape and change the way in which we live and communicate. It already has. Jobs are changing dramatically in every field especially in “old media”. Interpersonal relationships have changed in which the way communication occurs. And now literally we can get anything that interests us with a press of a button. Smartphones, tablets, mp3 players etc. have really allowed our interests, entertainment needs, and ways in which we learn to be at our fingertips. New Media does not have to be looked at as a concept that is taking away from old media, damaging communication, and a harming feature, for it is something that anyone, and any company can converge with to use to their advantage. It is very important to understand the risk and benefits. However, once those are understood move forward and find a way in which it works where you still hold on to the good of the old, but embrace the new. New media is going to happen regardless, might as embrace it and move forward in an age where things change on a daily basis.

  13. So what if you don’t want to be part of the new media revolution? Well you will be a lost soul in the world. While discussing all the many apps in class I would often think about the people who refuse to have a computer in their home. I think the digital divide will be greater than ever. In class we are all on board for new media. We know the benefits of having our devices and apps. We understand how useful and necessary they are. There are a lot of people who aren’t accepting of new media. Everything has become accessible wherever we go. While working at the bank we had closed and I was walking to my car and a guy in the parking lot said to me, “You are closed? How am I supposed to check my balance, transfer money or get cash? What am I suppose to do?” In my mind I thought how easy it would be for someone to avoid coming to the bank. You can access you accounts online where you can do this all yourself. The people who are divided just don’t understand how things can become so much simpler for them. I love the access I have, but like I said with things ever-changing and becoming more advanced I think the digital divide will be that much bigger. If only everybody understood the greatness of it all. Thanks for the great class Eric.

  14. So what...what happens when all this technology we discuss in class, and with our peers is no longer relevant. Technology is moving at an unbelievable pace, and just when when we think we get a grasp on it, it goes and changes on us again. The thing that stood out to me through this class is new media is only new for a few moments. But at the same time technology moves so fast because of the great technology before it, technology builds on itself. I think we are in store for even faster advancements in the future. Things like social media and smart phones have gave the world an incredible capability to continually be connected and share and improve all the ideas we have. I have always thought new media is important to keep up on, but this class reinforced that idea. If making life more simple, having access to more information and learning, and being part of a technological revolution isn't enough to stay up on new media, then I don’t know what will motivate the late adapters, or people who don’t adapt at all. Soon the people who chose not to adapt will have no choice but to move forward. New media is part of our culture, and it will move forward with or without us. Seeing all the app reviews this semester proves there is an app for just about every nitch, and as more people adapt and want to be educated, the more ideas and improvements we will get, and technology will improve faster and we will have even cooler toys and apps sooner. So we have to stay on top of new media now, or we may never catch up.

  15. So what? Well after taking this class and learning so much from my peers and Eric, I have found that new media is a HUGE part of society and it's only getting bigger. There is so much depth to social media and applications and it's astounding how fast they are progressing. I think the key is just to be prepared for what's coming up by staying informed and doing our research. I feel bad for those who keep their minds closed to the idea of new media. I think it's necessary for everyone to learn as much as they can about it because it really can be a blessing in our lives. I'm glad so much happened with social media while this class was going on because it gave us the opportunity to have in depth and intellectual conversations about social media and its uses, and I really enjoyed those. Even though I don't voice my opinions a lot, I like to sit back and listen to what everyone else has to say. That's what I really liked about this class. I felt like I was immersed in ideas and opinions and I feel I absorbed a lot and even changed my mind about a few things. I appreciate all the awesome application reviews too, I have some nice new apps on my iPad because of them! Thank you Eric for being an awesome instructor and thank you class for being super awesome as well!

  16. So what?

    New media, new media applications, and technological devices are changing the vary world we live in. Through social media citizens in oppressed countries have a voice to speak out and be heard by other on a global stage. Through posting videos on you tube and Facebook there are citizen journalist that are showing the world what is going on in there country. The reason why this is such a change is that news is instant from hand held devices and cell phones. If there was a riot right here in st george I could walk down the street with my iphone and within seconds upload it onto the web.


    Today people want there information and entertainment quick and they are not going in and typing a web address url to get were they want to go. There are aggregators such as I google to keep all your content viewable from one page by subscribing to rss feeds but the most popular these days are apps. It seems like there is an app for almost anything now. Apps are cutting out the middle man and getting directly to the content consumers want. That is why updates are so quick and easy to post in the Facebook app within two or three clicks I can send out an update. Making new media software more transparent has been the latest trend. Today its all about networking and going out to find the content you want. The days of sitting on the coach and having the television push information at you are almost over if you want your news from a different source just download an app and get constant updates with video, audio, and news headlines at the touch of a button.

    So what now?

    I think apps are going to be the norm and I believe everything will be networked on a platform like Facebook where you can see what is going on with your parents and also see what is going on in the news. Social media and the software that comes along with it are changing the way we communicate and I am a strong believer that everyone should gain intuitive skills to cope in today's technology driven society.

  17. In retrospect, new media simply means adaptation and revolution, which in turn, will require detachment. The further we develop as a society technologically, the further advanced we will have to become emotionally and mentally. There's something almost palpable about the emotional connection we have with change. As we advance with this new media concept- our comfort zone has been/will be swooped out from underneath us. So what does this mean for our future generations? All I have to say is, don't hold onto your seat too tight.

  18. As we have discussed this entire class, new media has its great sides as well as its bad sides. Technology has been absolutely amazing in the development of our world. Advances in medical technology have saved so many lives. Computer technology and robotic technology have helped do things that humans can’t or shouldn’t. Robotic type technology has helped in areas from under the sea to up in space or performing heart surgery. Military technology has helped in terrorist attacks and wars. We can find people, pin point a single body from the air, bomb certain places from distant areas, and the list goes on. Technology in the advancement of cars has made driving safer and better. Technology for smart phones and tablets has increased world awareness and makes secrets hard to come by. People can cry out for help and the whole world knows in seconds (if even that long). This is only touching the surface of what technology and social media have done for us.

    But…. Along with all these great things comes just as much not so great things. Crime, abductions, and burglaries are going up because of Facebook. Too much information is posted and can be found through Facebook. Pornography has gone up because it is so readily available online. Kids don’t want to play outside. People are becoming less and less verbal communicators. Spelling and grammar have gone out the window. Security breeches have gone up. Secrets in the government and military are leaking out to those who shouldn’t see it. Terrorists are advancing in the way of attacking due to technology. A greater gap is growing between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. So while technology is a wonderful thing, it is just as equally horrible.

  19. So what? It was cool to see how the new technologies can be more than just entertainment for us. That was the biggest lesson Eric was trying to teach us this semester is, "How can we use these technologies to better mankind?"

    My childhood and early adulthood has been about using technology for entertainment, but now I see the potential human beings have to use technology for the betterment of mankind.

  20. When I first signed into New Media Applications I hoped to learn how to building or create applications in hopes to become rich like the person who crated Pandora or Angry Birds. However on day one of the class I realized that was not the class I was in. While in this class I learned that the power of people not applications is beyond what I ever thought possible. While in this class I learned that people with technology can accomplish anything. During this class I watched as a country over though a viscous dictator with the help of social media, saw many lives saved thanks to being warned using social media of a catastrophic tsunami, was inspired by people doing more with very little then I ever thought possible and I witnessed classmates bridge the digital divide before our very eyes. While in this class I got to see TED Talks that told of inspiring, and heartwarming stories. Technology facilitated many of these innovations and news ways of thinking; however, again it was the people behind this technology not the technology itself that was the true inspiration. While there will always be “new” media I am confident that our generation will use new media applications for more than video games and entertainment. The next generation of new media will be breaking new grounds that we never thought were possible and in doing so the sky is the limit in amount of good that can come of it. While technology is impressive today and will be extraordinary in the future, the people behind the technology are truly remarkable. I will take from this class a new appreciation for my fellow colleague’s, a new understanding of how powerful technology can be and a new found gratitude for those individuals who are the driving these technologies. Now it is our time to take these live lessons and apply them in the “real world”.

  21. We have been able to explore and even witness some of the advances of technology. Changes come about so quickly that a product or device is obsolete before it gets to the consumer. It almost makes the desire for the new smart phone smolder - but no. We crave the latest and most functional to meet our particular needs and wants.

    "Necessity is the mother of invention" has proven to hold true, although now I wonder if it can be more correctly stated "Connectivity is the mother of innovation." These devices we have explored hold a world (and beyond) of discovery in any area desired. Whether it is a device or through an application, we will continue to see strength in being able to reach our own friends and family, but also to get our message out to the world. Business connections, advertising, or trying to bring awareness of a critical issue are simplified through Linked in, facebook or youtube, just to name a few.

    "We think television is evil," was a comment from a television program. Whatever the innovation, it can always be used for good and bad. For example, Libya, Egypt and surrounding countries used media to help to liberate. These people took major strides toward a change in democracy for a better life. This contrasts the misuses of social media sites with the intent to deceive or harm another person.

    We can choose whether we want to participate in technological growth or stand by and let it happen.

