Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rubric - Best Device

Activity Description
Now that you're quickly becoming a new media guru, friends, family and people you don't even know will be asking for advice on what's the best new gadget for them. To prepare for this end you will identify a set of consumer values based on the needs of your client (corporate, finance, medical, communication), review the range of devices available specific to those needs and make a recommendation.

Don't count out devices on the horizon. Brook Gladstone in her book indicates that the "propeller-heads over at the MIT Media Lab" project we'll soon be carrying our IT inside us as implants. *shiver*

Point Value: 200

Know your emerging market. Research development with Apple, Google, Facebook, anyone who is in or is considering entering the device market (and remember, the market is fluid, Google just sold MotoX). Understand that over a third, no that was last year, over two-thirds of internet activity is now happening via mobile devices, and respond to how device developers are responding to consumer values.

Those values are:
  • Convergence: Access, Utility, Fair Value
  • Consumerism: Choice, Convenience, Performance
  • Interactivity: Individualism, Control, Security 
Questions to consider:
  • What 's the influence of technological determinism with this device?
  • How do consumer values drive market paradigm shifts?
Review the market based on your identified consumer values in the context of use; corporate, finance, medical, communication.

Make your recommendation on your blog, due the end of February.

Here's an idea:

More like this. 

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