Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The App Development Rubric

Assess implications and trends of new media applications;
Navigate the new technologies marketplace and identify heavy hitters and developing influences;
Analyze market and user impacts from new media applications.

Point Value: 400

Activity Description
This group activity focuses on the process and analysis of developing either a mobile or desktop application to the point of a proof of concept. The scope and scale of the app should consider the user's pain, the application's disruption to existing user or market paradigms, the app's competition in the market, the app's scalability, its ideal proof-of-concept and its distribution strategy.

Form your group, three being ideal. Dream and develop the concept. Check the concept against the market. Design the application interface, its intuitiveness and ease of use. Design its architecture, the acquisition and transmission of data, types of code to be developed and use of existing open-source APIs (application program interface) and its scalability. Forecast its proof-of-concept - how you would know of the app's quality and integrity. Lastly, do does your algorithm get to your users?

Dreaming and Concept Development
Questions in this process are based on the user's pain - what's needed, what's problematic, what's inconvenient, what could be improved, what could be conserved, what's being wasted? and more. Once you've determined the concept, survey the market to see what exists in parallel or direct concepts and determine their pain-relief strategies, if any. Determine market demand and tolerance. Determine the app's potential for disruption - does your app make others obsolete? does it change the game in your market? does it create a new market?

Design the User Interface
You can use stock UI designs, or create your own, the key being intuitiveness and ease of use. Be sure to flush out the flow of the design, creating every interface page needed. 

Design its Architecture
While this is a coding step, dreamers just need to speak in terms of if-this-then-that, developing a flow diagram of how the app will work. What APIs exist, what open source code is out there that would streamline this process? 

How do we know that it works? How do we evaluate its quality and integrity? Will it scale? 

The rules and regs of the APP store. Find out what it takes and how much you'll give up.


Dreaming and Conceptualizing
1.  The user's pain is identified and defined in terms of need, problem solving, value, etc. 

Below Expectation (0-22) Satisfactory (23-39) Exemplary (40-50)

2. A market survey includes existing or competing products, strategies and/or market voids, market demand and tolerance.

Below Expectation (0-13) Satisfactory (14-20) Exemplary (20-25)

3. Define the application's market disruption. Is it TNBT? Game changer? or small drop?

Below Expectation (0-13) Satisfactory (14-20) Exemplary (20-25)

User Interface Design
4. An intuitive UI design shows app access and navigation on all screens. 

Below Expectation (0-33) Satisfactory (32-74) Exemplary (75-100)

Architecture Design
5. A flow diagram shows the app's method and includes APIs and/or open sourced code (these might include algorithms such as accelerometers, GPS, altitude, barometric pressure, etc.).

Below Expectation (0-33) Satisfactory (32-74) Exemplary (75-100)

Proof-of-Concept and Distribution
6. The designers have set a standard of proof for the application, including quality controls and security.

Below Expectation (0-22) Satisfactory (23-39) Exemplary (40-50)

7. If iOS, the designers have researched and created a distribution strategy via The App Store. If Android et al, designers have researched and created a distribution strategy via Google Play, Amazon or other third-party app stores.

Below Expectation (0-22) Satisfactory (23-39) Exemplary (40-50)